VELUX Slate Replacement Window Flashing EL SK08 0000


£153.50 (Inc. VAT)

£127.92 (Ex. VAT)
EL SK08 1000
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VELUX EL Slate Replacement Window Flashing is for replacing a single window flashing installed before April 2000. The flashing comes with an Insulation Collar which improves thermal efficiency.

The EL 0000 is for replacing single VELUX Roof Windows installed before April 2001. This flashing is for slate up to 8mm thick and includes a BDX Insulation Collar. The flashings come in a variety of different sizes in order to suit your window size.

SK06 - 114cm (W) x 118cm (H)
Roofing Material:
Slate up to 8mm thick
Manufacturing Date:
Before April 2001
Pre-April Size:
606 - 114cm (W) x 118cm (H)
Volume Weight:
VELUX Sizes:
SK06 - 114cm (W) x 118cm (H)
Glazing Type:
Standard Double Glazing - 70 pane
Additional Installation:
Not Required